If you work in insurance in Australia, you definitely know about unfair contract terms. Just over two years since the unfair contract terms (UCT) regime
Tag: insurtech
Crypto regulation coming to Australia
Australia is the next jurisdiction to propose regulation of digital assets. On 16 October 2023, the Treasury released a consultation paper seeking industry feedback on
Future Insurer #18
Welcome to Future Insurer #18! It’s sometimes hard to see the forest from the trees with so much InsurTech News. In this fortnightly newsletter, I’ll
A recent visit to Deutschland…
TheInsurTechLawyer was recently on assignment to Germany and the UK. There were many people to meet and lots to see, this article just provides a
Future Insurer #17
Welcome to Future Insurer #17! A lot has happened since the last edition of Future Insurer, Wimbledon has come and gone, Barbie has taken over the
Future Insurer #14
After taking a short break in Europe (more on this below), I would like to welcome you to Future Insurer newsletter #14! It’s sometimes hard
Future Insurer #12 (ChatGPT Edition)
Editor’s note: Happy new year to all my readers and welcome to the first edition of Future Insurer for 2023! ChatGPT is now the world’s
The robots are here…all you need to know about ChatGPT
The robots are here…all you need to know about ChatGPT
TheInsurTechLawyer goes to Europe…
TheInsurTechLawyer was recently in Europe on an insurance related mission. Despite it being autumn in Europe, the weather was surprisingly warm even by Australian standards.